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Global talent supply trends post covid

At a fundamental level, the talent supply chain functions on an optimal strategy defined by a combination of hiring, training, and outsourcing.

At a fundamental level, the talent supply chain functions on an optimal strategy defined by a combination of hiring, training, and outsourcing. This solution and the formula that brings us to it depends on the kind of resources hired, upskilling and development of current personnel, and the capability to outsource functions that are not a core competency. These parameters explain how human capital is managed today, even in the aftermath of a dynamically changing post-covid . Incidentally, it is these exact parameters that also drive the creation and preservation of a company’s culture.

As peter Drucker said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

It is the very spirit of these words that drives company culture today, as organizations take a strategic shift towards a more vibrant, enriching company culture.

An organization’s values and conventions are influenced by its culture. It develops and promotes the organization’s mission, vision, and values. Financial development, internal communication, risk taking, and innovation are all influenced by the type of culture any organization inculcates. In essence, good company culture works hand-in hand with strategy-inseparable, yet parallelly operating the same engine.

Today’s human-driven company culture brings with it 3 recurring themes- Three key factors that directly affect a talent’s decision to work at a firm.

Flexibility of work

We live in a where work-life balance trumps bank balance. As evident by a linked-in survey, 63% of working professionals considered work-life balance as one of their top priorities when on a job hunt.

Professionals today do not consider job flexibility as an option. It is now a priority that dictates their career decisions. Employees need the company to provide them with versatility in terms of location, time zone, and working styles- and so organizations began to offer compressed work hours, freedom in shifts, and fluid scheduling.


It is an almost self-explanatory notion to hear these days- a company’s well-being is tied deeply to the well-being of its employees, almost inextricably so.

It has become a hallmark of the Gen-Z age group to advocate for mental health and positive wellbeing at all stages, the workplace being one of the most important of them. Since the boom of work-from-anywhere culture has removed the separation between personal and professional lives, organizations have begun to recognize the importance of care, compassion, and constructive collaboration.

The new standard of empathy has resonated with many professionals and job-finders today.

Opportunities to grow

With forced lockdown and a wide pandemic outside their doors, working professionals found themselves with more time than they knew what to do with- time they spent introspecting to realize, they can do better.


Organizations today went through a similar shift in paradigms, leading to changes in entire working models, values, and culture. Employees today are more aware of their worth than ever before. They are willing to weigh their options, present their requirements and unhesitatingly head for the door if said requirements are not met. To today’s professional, dynamic and challenging roles have become intrinsic expectation of a working professional's dream job.

These changes stand to bring a ’s worth of positive changes to an organization. A strong functioning company culture that values employees, their productivity as well as their commitment to their personal lives is what will drive organizations to success.

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